Price list
We carry a large quantity of calibres and types of ammo, ranging from high quality Target Ammunition, to Sub Sonic (vermin control) as well as all manner of Shotgun and Gallery Calibres (Pistol Ammo). If you have any specific requirements please contact us for the latest prices and availability.

Small Calibre/ Gallery Rifle
Full Bore/ Target and Hunting
Shotgun/ Clay Target Game and Skeet​
.22LR CCI SubSonic.................... POA
.22LR CCI Mini Mag ................... POA
.38 spl.......................................... POA
.357mag...................................... POA
9mm Para 115grn (9x19)......... POA
​9mm Para 140grn Sub (9x19) . POA
.40 cal.......................................... POA
.45 ACP ....................................... POA
5.56mm/.223 ............................... POA
5.56mm/.223 ............................... POA
5.56mm/.223 Hollow Point......... POA
.243 SOFT TIP................................ POA
7.62mm NATO............................. POA
7.62mm Russian ........................ POA
.50 cal .......................................... POA
.45/70 .......................................... POA
.50 cal .......................................... POA
410 ..................................... POA
20 bore .............................. POA
12G ..................................... POA
12G Solid Slug ................. POA
Small Calibre/
Gallery Rifle
​Bulk sales
Special Offer
Full Bore/ Target and
Bulk Sales to clubs
Special Offer
Shotgun/ Clay Target
Game and Skeet
Bulk Sales
Special Offer
.22LR High Velocity SK ammunition produced by Lapua
up to 100,000 rounds currently available Price on request
M80 Ball produced for US Military contract ref part of the Dinze Hill Surplus stock
Up to 30,000 rounds available Price on request
12G Gamebore Pure Gold F2
no. 5 shot 30Gram 65mm (2 3/4)
Up to 10,000 rounds available Price on request