Independant Physical Security Consultant's
We provide a number of bespoke services to our clients which range from fitting Gun Cabinets, to designing and building complete walking in Armouries. These requests have being client driven and add yet another facet to our business. If you have a need for a single safe in your house, a mobile transport case which can be mounted in your vehicle. Why not call us we're bound to have worked on a similar solution for someone else. All work is carried out under a NDA

Fixed CCTV Systems
As part of the smart home we are installers for, HD CCTV systems which can be remotely monitored and offer the firstline in defence of your property.
Please call for a consultation

We offer a fitting service, as many of these storage cases are very heavy and not safe for one person to move or fit.
Please call for a consultation

Mobile Security
We've got around 20 mobile game camera's, these can be moved to keep a remote eye on farm machinery, heavy plant or other assest which requires some form of protection as well as evidence gathering. These camera units are available on a month by month rental, we also offer a GPS plotting service to further enchance their effectiveness.
Please call call for a consultation

Vehicle Safes
Having fitted a few hidden safes inside overlanding and leisure vehicles which have travelled to many remote location. Ee've made this fitting service a stand alone division of Surrey Armoury we can offer Penta Glass security film for any exposed windows as well as hidden secure compartments for your car, van, truck and boat.
Please call for a consultation