Constantly Changing Stock, please check back often
We try to carry a good selection of good value and interesting firearms instock, these pgaes will be updated as often as we can.

.22LR semi auto in excellent condition comes with one magazine

Awaiting photography

Savage BA 110 (RH)
.338LM large calibre target rifle
Bought as a special order, client cancelled we've had to restock this item as a sale on comission

Awaiting photography
Ruger 1022
.22LR semi auto with walnut stock threaded for suppressor

Bushmaster M4 Classic
Excellent Condition S/H
.223/ 5.56mm Straightpull version of the M4 "Classic" comes with a Ciener .22LR adaptor kit
ASE CQB moderator, 20 magazines, with range case
10x .22LR Black Dog
10x 5.56mm Steel Nato Issue
Offers Over £ 1,500.00 considered commission sale
for client

Steyr Scout
Excellent Condition S/H
7.62 mm (7.62x51) Scout rifle configured with a Khales 6x 42 scope
comes with moderator, 4 magazines, sling and range case
Offers Over £ 2,100.00 considered commission sale
for client


Mossberg 590A1 (FAC section 1)
Excellent Condition S/H
12G Pump Action fitted with barrel shroud
comes with sling and range case
Offers Over £ 650.00 considered commission sale
for client
Remington 1187 (FAC section 1)
Excellent Condition S/H
12G Semi Auto fitted with magzine extension, loading ramp, ghost ring sights
comes with sling and range case
Offers Over £870.00 considered commission sale
for client
Berretta 686 28inch barrels
Excellent Condition S/H usual engraving, clean wood work
12G Over and Under (comes with case)
We offer a ship/ receive service too and from other dealers, the shipping and transfer costs are offered at cost plus 10%
For sale £670.00


Anschutz 54
Excellent Condition S/H, really clean wood work, has never had a scope fitted.
.22LR 5 shot repeater, a real collectors item
We offer a ship/ receive service too and from other dealers, the shipping and transfer costs are offered at cost plus 10%
For sale £220.00
Voere Kufstein 55 Austria
Excellent Condition S/H, really clean wood work, has never had a scope fitted.
.22LR 9 shot repeater, semi auto
It's not threaded for a suppressor/ moderator but could be at extra cost
please contact if your interested
We offer a ship/ receive service too and from other dealers, the shipping and transfer costs are offered at cost plus 10%
For sale £100.00
Voere GmbH Germany
Great Condition S/H, clean wood work, has never had a scope fitted.
.22LR 5 shot repeater, bolt action
It's threaded for a suppressor/ moderator we carry a range of suppressor's starting from £40 and upwards.
We offer a ship/ receive service too and from other dealers, the shipping and transfer costs are offered at cost plus 10%
For sale £130.00

More items being added daily, please check back often.
As the site develops