Collectors Corner
The Below items are deemed collectible for different reasons, they've come to us as part exchange or at times have been donated to raise funds for our annual charity

Now Sold - £1,450.00 inc VAT
Donation made to Help 4 Hero's
Ray Mears Bushcraft Knife
This was a personal gift to one of our directors, it's never been used or sharpened. It's just sat in his draw gathering dust, as far we know you can't buy these anymore. It's the Alan Wood made designed by Ray Mears Woodlore Knife. There use to be a waiting list of 30 months plus to get one and they use to sell on Ebay for anything around £495 and more if your interested in this item please get in touch and let's see if there's a deal to be done.
Update 08/05/2018 Our Director Mr. Milner has just turned down a offer of £1,220.00 this is a truly remarkable collectable item. Which will only increase in value.

Bison Bushcraft aka Roger Harrington
One of a kind hand made Knife by Roger Harrington of Bison Bushcraft, similar in design to a British Army Survival knife with leather handle it's been a display piece around our office, for years we therefore think it should go to a good home. It was offered to us for the original asking price of £350 as it was a custom request that wasn't collected. From Roger at Bison. From our records we paid £300 which seemed a fair price for this one of a kind. If this interests you please get in contact.

Now Sold - £550.00 inc VAT
Wilkinson Survival Knife aka
The Dartmoor Knife
This is the one which was jointly designed by Ray Mears, It's been opened but is complete and boxed has been in our office for around 20 years, from memory it was one of the first to be shown around the industry.
One of our directors won it at a shooting competition held in Bisley, again it's just sat in his draw. We've all looked at it and it's a beauty however nobody can afford this collectible

Uzi Tactical Pen
This unusual item was presented to one of the directors on a trip overseas, it's an metal bodied ball point pen, with several unusual features.
please contact us to arrange a demo
These sort of pens are sold as novelty items for around £30 if you're interested please get in contact and we'll see if there's a deal to be done.

Zakuri Pattern Knife
From one of the oldest forges in Shikoku Japan, Zakuri only prodcues a limted number of pieces per year.
This item comes from the simple range, it a laminated blade in an all steel constuction in a simple sheath. These items are auctioned off once a year the money is used to help with local projects to help with local development projects.
Offers in the region of £100.00 considered
We can arrange if the offer is over £1,000.00 a tour to meet the owners of the forge.